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Materi Bahasa Inggris kelas 8 Chapter II ( can )


Hi anak-anak kelas 8, pada pertemuan kali ini kita akan melanjutkan materi chapter II                                           

§  We can do something , We will do  something

Learning Goal :
§  to state that we can do something, and
§  to state that we will do something.

Main Vocabularies
§  Can = dapat
§  Can’t = Tidak dapat
§  I will = Saya akan
§  I won’t = saya tidak akan

Siswa mampu:

3.2. menerapkan fungsi sosial, struktur teks, dan unsur kebahasaan teks interaksi transaksional lisan dan tulis yang melibatkan tindakan memberi dan meminta informasi terkait kemampuan dan kemauan, melakukan suatu tindakan, sesuai dengan konteks penggunaannya. (Perhatikan unsur kebahasaan can, will)

Kemampuan melakukan suatu tindakan (ability/capability)

We can use the following expressions:
Using modal “Can” (bisa…, mampu…dapat…)

I can answer the questions.

You can sing a pop song.

They can swim in the swimming pool.

He can solve the problem.

She can make a cake.

It can run fast.

To say disability/incapable

I cannot answer the test.

You cannot sing a traditional song.

They cannot swim in river.

He cannot solve the math.

She cannot make a traditional food.

It cannot jump

To ask about ability/capability:

- Can you answer the questions?
Answer : Yes, I can.

- Can they sing a pop song?
Answer :  Yes, They can.

- Can he solve the problem?
Answer :  Yes, He can.

- Can it run fast?
Answer : Yes, The tiger can.

Using “be able to…(verb 1 / present)” (bisa…, mampu…dapat…)

- To say ability/capability:

- I’m able to speak Javanese.

- You are able to do the exercise.

- They are able to solve the math.

- We are able to come early.

- He is able to give her a ring.

- She is able to fry the egg nicely.

- It is able to jump highly.

To say disability/incapable :( tidak bisa…./ tidak mampu…..)

- I’m not able to speak Japanese.

- You are not able to do the exercise.

- They are able to solve the math.

- We are able to come early.

- He is able to give her a ring.

- She is able to fry the egg nicely.

- It is able to jump highly.

 To ask about ability/capability:

 - Are you able to do the exercise ?
Answer : Sure, I am able of it.

 - Are they able to solve the math ?             
AnswerOf course, they are.

 - Are we able to come early ?                       
Answer : Yes, we are.

-  Is he able to give her a ring ?                     
Answer : Yes, he is.

- Is she able to fry the egg nicely?               
Answer : Sure, she is.

- Is it able to jump highly?                           
Answer : Yes, it is.

Isilah latihan dibawah ini menggunakan : Can,atau Be Able to

1. Bejo and Iraka have studied about a lt of countries in the world. He ........ speak ten different laguanges.

2. Durianita and Bambangan ........ ride. But they have not the motorcycles.

3. I saw you are amazing person last time. You used to ........ stand on your fingers. But now you can not do it again.

4. We can not look them on Saturday night. But we ........ see them on Sunday afternoon.

5. If you want solve your big proble. Try to meet your parents and tell them about your all problems. They ........ help to solve your troubles.

6. I ........ type many words in computer with ten fingers fastly.

7. You ........ drink a lot of water in one minute in that competition

8. The singer ........ sing many songs in high tone and short tone clearly

Demikian materi  kali ini, semoga bermanfaat.

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