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 Assalamualaikum Wr Wb

Halo anak-anak Spensaka yang selalu bersemangat!  Bagaimana kabar kalian hari ini? 

Mudah-mudahan selalu sehat dan bersemangat. Jangan lupa masih harus selalu ‘STAY AT HOME” dan rajin-rajin cuci tangan.... Jika terpaksa harus keluar rumah, selalu gunakan masker dan ingat “SOCIAL DISTANCING” yaaa. 

Pada pertemuan yang lalu kita sudah berkenalan dengan "REPORT TEXT", hari ini kita akan membahas lebih lanjut  salah satu "LANGUAGE FEATURES" yang ada dalam teks tersebut yaitu "SIMPLE PRESENT TENSE".


Simple present tense merupakan tenses yang digunakan untuk membicarakan sesuatu yang umum, sesuatu yang selalu terjadi berulang-ulang, suatu kebiasaan, atau suatu kebenaran umum. Simple present tense adalah tenses yang paling sering digunakan sehari-hari.

Contoh :

-       Our headmaster is Mr. Runtut Pramono.

-       Miss Sabrina is a new teacher.

-       They are my classmates.

-       The sun rises from the east.

-       You visit your grandmother’s house every month.

-       Rendy goes to school by bike every day.

-       Affaro takes a bath twice a day.


Pola kalimat simple present tense dengan menggunakan Be :

Exercise 1 :

Complete the sentences with am, is or are.

1.    You … a new librarian in this school.

2.    They … my new neighbors.

3.    … he your father? Yes, he is.

4.    It … not a Tulip flower.

5.    Grasshoppers … not bird.

6.    Dolphins … mammals.

7.    Miss Sascha … a nurse.

Jawaban :

1.    You are a new librarian in this school.

2.    They are my new neighbors.

3.    Is he your father? Yes, he is.

4.    It is not a Tulip flower.

5.    Grasshoppers are not bird.

6.    Dolphins are mammals.

7.    Miss Sascha is a nurse.


Pola kalimat Simple Present Tense menggunakan Verb (Kata kerja) :

Bentuk kata kerja (verb) jika mendapat tambahan –s / -es :

1.   Untuk kata kerja yang berakhiran -O-CH-SH-X, atau -Z, tambahkan -ES.

  • go – goes
  • catch – catches
  • wash – washes
  • kiss – kisses
  • box – boxes
  • fix – fixes

2.   Untuk kata kerja (Verb) yang berakhiran konsonan + Y, hilangkan Y, dan tambahkan -IES.

  • carry – carries
  • study – studies
  • worry – worries
  • marry – marries

Sedangkan, untuk kata kerja yang berakhiran vokal + Y, cukup tambahkan -S.

  • play – plays
  • say – says
  • enjoy – enjoys


Exercise 2:

Choose the correct verb in the brackets.

1.   She (reads/read) Harry Potter books every day.

2.   They (watch/watches) new movies every Sunday.

3.   The children (play/plays) football in the field.

4.   Mr. Galih (teach/teaches) Math in a Junior High school.

5.   My brother (try/tries) to be able to drive the car well.

Jawaban :

1.   reads

2.   watch

3.   play

4.   teaches

5.   tries

Nah bagaimana anak-anak? apakah sudah mulai memahami materi "SIMPLE PRESENT TENSE"? untuk mengetahui lebih lanjut apakah kalian sudah memahaminya atau belum, silahkan dikerjakan latihan di bawah ini ya... Kita akan membahasnya di pertemuan yang akan datang.



Choose the correct word in the brackets to complete the text below.



The koala (is/are) an Australian tree-dwelling marsupial mammal that has large hairy ears, thick gray fur, sharp claws for climbing, and no tail and feeds on eucalyptus leaves.

They (sleep/sleeps) for up to 19 hours a day and there(is/are) only 2,000 to 8,000 of these incredibly cute animals remaining.

The koala (have/has) a body length of 60–85 cm and weighs 4–15 kg. It’s feather’s colour ranges from silver grey to chocolate brown.

Koalas (have/has) thick, soft fur. Their ears (have/has) long, white hairs on the tips. They have a large, dark, leathery nose and beady eyes. They have a small mouth that can open very wide.

They have two thumbs on their front paws and sharp curved claws on all of their toes. The second and third toes on the hind foot are joined together and have rough pads.

They (are/is) used for grooming and climbing. The Koala can run as fast as a rabbit.


Sekian materi untuk hari ini. jika ada kesulitan silahkan hubungi Ibu guru mapel Bahasa Inggris kalian ya..

Wassalamualaikum Wr Wb

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