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Materi Penggunaan "There is dan There are" Bahasa Inggris Kelas 7

Penjelasan “There is” dan “There are”

Halo sobat spensaka semua, how are you doing?

Sehat semua kan? Tetap jaga kesehatan ya...

Untuk materi Bahasa Inggris kali ini kita akan belajar bersama tentang penggunaan "There is dan There are"

Apa si itu Ther is dan There are?

Yuk ikuti dalam materi di bawah ini :

1. There is artinya “ada“

Dan there is selalu diikuti dengan benda tunggal (single) atau jumlah nya hanya "satu".

Kata benda tunggal umumnya diikuti kata "a" atau "an" diawal kata

Contoh: a book, a car, a student, a pencil, a bag, a lamp, an umbrella, an apple, an eye, an hour dan lain sebagainya.

Contoh kalimat:

There is a glass on table artinya "Ada sebuah gelas di atas meja"

There is 1 set of kitchen tool in the kitchen artinya "Ada satu set peralatan dapur di dapur"

There is a dress for your party on the bed! artinya "Ada sebuah gaun untuk pestamu  diatas tempat tidur"

There is an apple in refrigerator artinya "Ada sebuah apel di kulkas"

There is an owl on the tree artinya "Ada seekor burung hantu di atas pohon"

Contoh kalimat lengkap:

a. (+) There is a beautiful girl there

    (–) There is not a beautiful girl there

    (?) Is there a beautiful girl there?

b. (+) There is a smart teacher in Dinda’s school

    (–) There is not a smart teacher in Dinda’s school

    (?) Is there a smart teacher in Dinda’s school?

c. (+) There is an umbrella in my room

    (–) There is not an umbrella in my room

    (?) Is there an umbrella in your room?

d. (+) There is just only 1 game in my computer

    (–) There is not just only 1 game in my computer

    (?) Is there just only 1 game in your computer?

e. (+) I think there is a famous barber in Jakarta

    (–) I think there is not a famous barber in Jakarta

    (?) Do you think Is there any a famous barber in Jakarta?

2. There are artinya “ada”

There are pasti selalu diikuti dengan benda yang jumlahnya jamak atau lebih dari satu

Kata benda berjumlah jamak umumnya ditandai dengan akhiran "s" atau "es" di akhir kata

Contoh: books, students, pencils, cars, boxes, watches dan masih banyak lagi contoh lainnya.

Namun, mohon diingat ya sobat spensaka semua, bahwa ada juga kata benda yang tidak beraturan. Maksudnya adalah tidak semua benda berjumlah jamak atau lebih dari satu ditandai dengan s atau es di akhir kata.

Contoh: children, mice, deer, geese dan lainnya.

Bila dipakai dalam kalimat bisa dilihan pada contoh kalimat dibawa ini:

There are some children in our classroom artinya "Ada beberapa anak di dalam kelas".

There are three pictures on the wall artinya "Ada tiga buah gambar di dinding".

I think there are six cars outside artinya "Menurut saya kira ada enam buah mobil diluar".

There are some boxes in the shop artinya "Ada beberapa kotak di toko itu".

There are five kinds of flowers in the garden artinya "Ada lima buah jenis bungan di kebun".

Contoh lain di dalam kalimat lengkap seperti dibawah ini:

a. (+) There are some books on the bookshelf

   (–) There are not some books on the bookshelf

   (?) Are there some books on the bookshelf?

b. (+) Tomorrow will be the happy day at dancer club. There are will be ten new members

    (–) Tomorrow will not be the happy day at dancer club. There are not will be ten new members

    (?) Are there will be the happy day and ten new members at dancer club tomorrow?

c. (+) There are some students in the school

    (–) There are not some students in the school

    (?) Are there some students in the school?

d. (+) Oh no, there are two mice at my kitchen

    (–) There are not two mice at my kitchen

    (?) Are there two mice at your kitchen?

e. (+) There are the best novels in this year

    (–) There are not the best novels in this year

    (?) Are there the best novels in this year?

Demikian materi tentang "There is dan There are" kali ini ya, silahkan dibaca dan diulang-ulang sambil dipahami serta di catat dibuku catatan kalian ya. Bila masih ada yang belum paham silahkan tanyakan kepada guru kalian.

Catatan: Tanda (+) diatas maksudnya adalah kalimat positif, tanda (-) adalah kalimat negatif dan tanda (?) adalah kalimat tanya.

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