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Expressions of Introducing Oneself and Others Kelas 7

 Expressions of Introducing Oneself and Others

Hello everyone, how are you today?

I hope you are in good and great condition.

Oke anak-anak spensaka kelas 7 khususnya, bagaimana? Masih semangat untuk pembelajaran daring hari ini? 

Harus selalu semangat ya.

Nah untuk kali ini kita akan membahas mengenai Introducing atau perkenalan, baik perkenalan untuk diri sendiri maupun memperkenalkan orang lain.

Nah berikut ini ekspresi yang dapat digunakan untuk perkenalan :

1. Introducing self (Mengenalkan diri sendiri)

- My name is ………………………… .

 - I’m ………………………… 

- I am from ………………………… .

 - Nice to meet you, I am ………………………… . 

- Let me introduce myself. I am ………………………… .

 - I’d like to introduce myself, I am ………………………… . 

2. Introducing others (Mengenalkan orang lain)

 - Umi, this is Mawar. Mawar this is Umi. 

- I’d like to introduce you to ………………………… . 

- Hendrik, have you met ………………………… ?


Teacher : “Rio, please introduce yourself to your classmates! Stand up here, please.”

                  (Rio, perkenalkan dirimu di depan teman-teman sekelasmu! Tolong berdiri ya.

 Rio : “Yes, Sir. Well, good morning, everybody. I would like to introduce myself. My name is Rio Ariawan. My nickname is Rio.” ( Iya pak. Selamat pagi, semuanya. Saya akan memperkenalkan diri saya. Nama saya Rio Ariawan. Nama pendek saya Rio).

 Fatah : “Where are you from, Rio?” ( Kamu berasal darimana, Rio?)

 Rio : “I come from Kediri, East Java. We are moving here because my father has a new job in this city nowadays.” ( Saya dari Kediri, Jawa Timur. Kami pindah kesini karena ayah saya memiliki tugas baru di kota ini.).

 Indra : “Welcome to our nice class, Rio. It’s nice to meet you.” ( Selamat datang di kelas yang indah ini, Rio. Senang bertemu denganmu).

Rio : “Thank you. Nice to meet you, too. ( Terima kasih. Senang bertemu denganmu juga).

Nah anak-anak, apakah kalian sudah membaca dialog diatas?

Nah, dialog diatas adalah contoh dialog memperkenalkan diri.

Apa ada yang mau ditanyakan dari dialog di atas?

Kalau tidak ada, yuk disimak dialog dibawah ini!

Dan jawablah pertanyaanya!

Dialog !

Agung : “Hello, I am Agung. I’m from Solo.“

David : “Hello, I am David. I’m from Semarang. How old are you, Agung?“

Agung : “I’m thirteen years. What about you?“

David : “I’m thirteen years old too! I live and study at Batik Junior High School. What about you Agung?“

Agung : “I study in Class VII at Cerdas Beriman Junior High School.“

David : “What is your hobby ?“

Agung : “I like to read books and play chess.“

David : “I too love to play chess.“

Agung : “We have a lot in common. We can be good friends.“

David : “That sounds great! I’d love to be friend with you.“

Write true or false based on the dialogue above!

1. Agung is from Yogyakarta. [ ... ]

2. Agung and David are neighbour. [ ... ]

3. Agung studies at Batik Junior High School. [ ... ]

4. Agung and David like reading books. [ ... ]

5. David doesn’t like to play chess. [ ... ]

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